Canned tuna is one of the easiest ways to throw together a quick protein- packed lunch or dinner but, it can come at the expense of our health because mercury levels in tuna can be pretty high. Eating too much mercury can lead to impaired memory, focus and brain function. Which is why the recommendation is not to eat it daily. But did you know some canned tuna varieties have more mercury than others?
Albacore or white tuna, has three times more mercury than skipjack or light tuna. This is because they are smaller than albacore.
For the best canned tuna for your body and for the planet, look for a low mercury tuna that has been sustainably sourced using key phrases that indicate sustainability such as, “pole-caught”, “troll-caught”, or “pole and line caught” on the label.
Seafoodwatch.org and msc.org are great resources for sustainable fish and seafood.